Week 2 Standings And Waiver Wire Board

Here's the Week 2 available player pool to find replacements for your eliminated players. All bids should be in $1 increments and posted to the official waiver wire text thread. Players will be awarded to the highest bidder every Friday at 4:59:59 pm. All the money from successful bids will be added to the prize pool. Remember, you can't exceed a 15-man roster, so each new player you bid on has to replace an eliminated one.

Please note that all the QBs listed are backups. I also added kick-off and punt returners to the WR column.

Here are the current standings from Week 1.

Good Luck in Week 2!

Profit/Losses (Jan. 4 - May 24, 2014)

(Click Graph For Larger View)

The New Duffy's Casino Website Is Coming Soon...

In the meantime, I will continue to update the Player of Year leaderboard as game results come in.

Final Results: Saturday, December 22, 2012

Back-to-back 9-seater games, however this time a lot less chips on the table. Duffy gets closer to overtaking Marko on the leaderboard. But the big story was Tilty stealing $4.80 from his wife's purse and cashing out early with $40. Of course that would also include an undisclosed table loan, but he still posted the most profit.

Thanks again to Doug for bringing a great spread of food...always appreciated. Total chips in play: $135 ($56 changed hands).

Final Results: Saturday, December 15, 2012

Another record-breaking game...nine players seated at once and most chips on table ever. However with nobody busted out, cash out goes eerily even. But it's new Mike who finally finds the win column and takes the most money home. Total chips in play: $214 ($43 changed hands). Unofficial total was $229 which includes $15 in table loans paid back prior to cash out.

Coming Soon: 2nd Annual Duffy's Casino Playoff Challenge

Duffy's Casino announces the opening of its new Sports Book with the return of the Gridiron Playoff Challenge. No, it's not fantasy football...but it's damn close. Simply select players in the playoffs to build your team. You pick a new team every week, as teams get eliminated from the playoffs all the way to the Super Bowl. The catch?....there's a salary cap, so make your picks wisely and stay on budget.

We'll either have a free entry for marginal prizes (reserved parking and seat assignment for one month; $5 in chips; etc.), or a nominal buy-in with winner take all. More information will follow at the conclusion of week 17. Check back here for a link once the game website goes live.

Final Results: Saturday, December 8, 2012

Back to an eight-player table again, but the results see a lot of red. Duffy gets up early with some monster hands, but it's Mark who quietly amasses the big stack for the night.

The House has now classified Tilt, Joose, and Four-Loko beverages as performance DE-enhancement drugs and now join SoCO2 as a banned substance at Duffy's Casino. Strangely enough however, "redneck mimosas" are still permitted. Total chips in play: $180 ($95 changed hands).

Final Results: Saturday, December 1, 2012

Just a quiet seven-player game after the table takes a 67% reduction in Mikes. Cash out stays pretty even, but Roger is the only one to make double digits and visits the Straight Flush Hall of Fame for the third time this year.

Please note: the House has made its final ruling on Double-Board Holdem. Please check the Casino Rules section for more information. Total chips in play: $120 ($35 changed hands).

Final Results: Monday, November 26, 2012

Second Annual Tilty Classic sees a great spread of food and really lousy cards...unless of course you're Lance. All the chips go to Lance and it's more than enough to get him Player of the Month.

Duffy turns his second straight flush...in spite of the big loss. Mark flees early, while Reg actually gets second place just by working late. Thanks again to Tilty for the hosting and the awesome food... looking forward to next year. Total chips in play: $86 ($61 changed hands).

And for you history buffs...Results of 1st Annual Tilty Classic (Monday, November 28, 2011): Reg -$10; Roger -$7; Matt -$5; MikeP -$1; Mark +$10; MikeA +$13.

Final Results: Saturday, November 24, 2012

Nine-player game breaks the $200 barrier setting another chip count record...that's not including the rogue peach chip that made its way to the table. The House took the loss, but Security is reviewing the video tapes. Tilty manages to climb back on top of the leaderboard; while Duffy gets back to even for November. Total chips in play: $210 ($89 changed hands).

Final Results: Saturday, November 17, 2012

Huge game sets new records including: on and off again 10-players; most chips on table; and most money changing hands ($101)---the lion share of which Mark and Lance split the within a dollar. Tilty takes a big step down the leaderboard while Lance surges into first place. Total chips in play: $180.

Final Results: Saturday, November 10, 2012

Another full table...this time everyone is seated at the same time, making it tough to get a winning hand. But the night goes to Tilty who gets the lead early and stays there all night. Tilty also sets a new casino record of calling last round 4 hours before he actually cashes out...congrats. Doug finally finds the black ink and Roger posts a decent win as well. Total chips in play: $167.

Final Results: Saturday, November 3, 2012

Another 8-player game, but after a Mike switch-out; not all are seated at once. Despite all the players, only $42 changes hands and that gets split pretty evenly...making the PotM leaderboard wide open. Also, even though taking a big loss, Roger visits the Straight Flush Hall of Fame for the second time with an eight-high diamond. Total chips in play: $120.

Final Results: Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The 1994 New York Rangers...the 2004 Boston Red Sox...losing streaks are meant to be broken. After a record 9 times at runner up, October PotM finally goes to Duffy. Also a first for Wednesday Night Poker as a cash game comes together late on Halloween. Here's to a repeat in November! Total chips in play: $70.

Final Results: Saturday, October 27, 2012

Tilty keeps on winning and makes the attendance minimum for October PotM. However, the month isn't out until Halloween night, so if anyone is interested in knocking Tilts out of first, let me know. Total chips in play: $116.

Final Results: Saturday, October 20, 2012

Technically an 8-player game, although not all players were seated at the same time. Reg turns his last $5 into $40 in little over an hour...which translates to one thing: Denny's Time. Tilty and Reg are now tied for the PotM leaderboard, however Tilty is in danger of disqualification if he no-shows again. Total chips in play: $118.

Final Results: Monday, October 15, 2012

Post Monday Night Football turns into a $5 NL Holdem Tournament. Most end up taking the optional rebuy, but it goes winner take all for Tilty after he plays with shrewd skills and all around good sportsmanship. In fact, after the game he helped clean up...making sure every chip was put back in it's proper place. Although a bit of a tee-totaler himself, Tilty even offered to bring drinks for everybody to the next game. Hip hip hooray to Tilty!

Results of tournament: Lance (5th; -$10); Mark (4th; -$10); MikeP (3rd; -$5); Matt (2nd; -$10); MikeA (1st; +$35). Total tournament prize pool: $45.

Final Results: Saturday, October 13, 2012

Another big money game barely comes together while Reg is in Vegas and Roger and Tilty... um... well...

But Doug saved the game again, even though I'm sending him the dry cleaning bill for my husky. And cash out goes single digit plus or minus...that's a Duffy's Casino cash game first. Total chips in play: $70.

Final Results: Saturday, October 6, 2012

Lance was out of town and Tilty bailed again...but Doug steps up and saves the game. However, no rebuys keep the chip count low. Total chips in play: $68.

Final Results: Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mark's not happy until his unending string of boats nets him just about every chip on the table. He gets PotM for September, but Duffy's Casino Accounting Dept. will have to issue a 2012 W-2G form for taxing gambling winnings. Total chips in play: $150.

Final Results: Saturday, September 22, 2012

Roger slips off the top of the leaderboard, and Marko is there to pick up the slack after he delivers multiple bad beats across the table. The worst of which against Reg's drawn to ace-high flush running into Mark's quads in five-card draw of all games...ouch. Total chips in play: $117.

Final Results: Friday, September 21, 2012

Roger pushes ahead of the pack to hold a comfortable lead for Player of the Month. Since he has already meet the attendance requirement, Roger could win by not even showing up, but with Mark and Duffy on his heels, don't get too comfortable. Also Lance gets himself all but even for the month, recovering from his Sept. 1 setback. Total chips in play: $105.

Final Results: Saturday, September 15, 2012

Usually a cash game ends in a tournament...in this case a tourney turned into a NL cash game.

The $5 NL Holdem tournament goes winner takes all for Duffy after everyone gets their optional rebuy. After the tournament, players decided to try an experimental .10/.20 NL Holdem/Omaha cash game. The results favor Lance after Tilty goes deep and all-in 9 of 10 hands.

Results of tournament: MikeA (4th; -$10); MikeP (3rd; -$10); Lance (2nd; -$10); Matt (1st; +$30). Total tournament prize pool: $40. Total chips in play for NL cash game: $71.

Final Results: Saturday, September 8, 2012

Late starting game after Roger and Tilty flake out, but Mark saves the game and brings another player. Duffy and Reg fall off the early leaderboard, while Lance starts his climb out of the hole. Total chips in play: $120.

Final Results: Friday, September 7, 2012

Return of Friday Night Tournaments... What was supposed to a quick $5 NL hold 'em tourney turned into a grueling grudge match between Lance and Duffy. But after a few chip leader swaps and the clock striking midnight, they decide on an amicable split.

The house now has a default blind structure for all no-limits tournaments played. Check the Casino Rules section for more information.

Results of tournament: MikeP (5th; -$5); Reg (4th; -$5); Roger (3rd; -$10); Lance (2nd; +$5 on amicable split); Matt (1st; +$15 on amicable split). Total tournament prize pool: $35.

Year-to-Date Stats Now Available

The Duffy's Casino Accounting Department has released its 2012 profit and losses statistics. For tax and anonymity purposes, we will not publish the specific results here, but as you can see from the chart, they are quite alarming.

Duffy's Casino has seen $4,547 in chips on the table; however only $679 have changed hands between players. If anyone wants to know their individual profit or loss, please contact me directly via text or phone. However I will not provide you anyone else's statistics. Please note that one of the nine players shown on the chart is a composite of three, one-time players at Duffy's Casino.

Final Results: Saturday, September 1, 2012

Big game sees lots of action...most of which goes to Roger who couldn't lose a hand. Lance visits the deep end of the pool while Tilty fails to boot and rally.

Please note: due to a majority of $20's in the till, the house was unable to make a clean payout. Be sure to check the Credits and Debits section for more info. Total chips in play: $163.

Final Results: Saturday, August 25, 2012

When Marko "the enforcer" is away, Reg and Duffy get paid. Lance loses his big stack; while Tilty drowns his sorrow (and most of his chips) in cranberry cocktail, but proves his 4:00 am Denny's Skill Crane abilities. Total chips in play: $123.

August PotM goes to Lance (+$19) by a squeaker after Sam (+$21) is disqualified for low attendance. In fact Mark, Lance, Mike, Reg, Sam, and Duffy all ended in the black for August and Roger only lost 6 bucks...I wonder where all that money came from? Good luck in September!

Final Results: Saturday, August 18, 2012

The August leaderboard breaks wide open after Mark misses a step and Lance stages a huge comeback. Mike gets his first straight flush, but only ends up even. While Tilty goes deep with O.P.P. Total chips in play: $123.

Final Results: Saturday, August 11, 2012

Relaxed game ends before 2 a.m. and doesn't draw a big chip count. But once again Mark takes early PotM leader while Duffy gets into the black for August. And the return of Roger gets him on the leaderboard. Total chips in play: $113.

Final Results: Saturday, August 4, 2012

Mark, Lance and Tilty all go deep stack setting a new chip count record. And the return of the Arthur brothers kept all those chips moving around the table despite a fairly even cash out.

Special thanks to the player who left a peach chip on the floor. I hope such generous tipping to the house becomes a tradition. Total chips in play: $176.

Final Results: Saturday, July 28, 2012

Mark finds his golden horseshoe again and manages to unseat Reg as PotM, as Lance continues to trend toward positive numbers.

Totals represent a five-player cash game and a four-player $5 NL Holdem tournament. Total chips in play for cash game: $70. Total prize pool for tournament: $20.

Results of tournament: Reg (4th; -$5); Lance (3rd; -$5); Matt (2nd; $0 on amicable split); Mark (1st; +$10 on amicable split).

Final Results: Saturday, July 21, 2012

"Gentleman" Reg breaks his 5-game winning streak after a bad mojo seat change. While Lance finds a little luck with some poker-themed microbrews. Mark's on the comeback trail and the only one close to Reg on the leaderboard. And Tilty takes a disqualification after back-to-back no-shows. Total chips in play: $98.

Final Results: Saturday, July 14, 2012

Reg continues his winning streak, but has to settle for second best as Duffy undoes the damage from last week. However it's going to be tough to stop a Reg repeat for Player of Month as no one is even close to him on the leaderboard. Total chips in play: $148.

Final Results: Saturday, July 7, 2012

After the unanimous banning of the substance SoCO2, Reg continues to juice using performance enhancers. This time created north of the border and sold under the street name "Crown Royal." The results speak for themselves.

Special thanks to Deputy Pit Boss Marko for certifying the chip count and paying out the winners after the regular casino staff clocked out when the 5 a.m. shift ended. Total chips in play: $160.

Final Results: Saturday, June 30, 2012

Player of the Month comes down to the wire as Reg and Duffy slug it out into the wee hours of the morning. But, after a critical misstep by Duffy, Reg takes the top spot by just $3.

Unfortunately it was later voted unanimously by the Duffy's Casino Board of Directors to strip Reg of the title due to gross misconduct. We won't go into specifics here in order to spare Reg's family any humiliation. But we can tell you that allegations of performance-enhancing drug use have been leveled against the former PotM. An official hearing and subsequent sentencing of Reg is scheduled for next month.

So, it is with a heavy heart that I accept the title of June PotM with (+$52). My thoughts go out to Reg and his family and I'm praying he can get the help he so desperately needs. I'm hoping we can all move on from this ugly business and look forward to a great July! Total chips in play: $93.

Final Results: Saturday, June 23, 2012

Late night gentleman's game sees lots of action and chip stack movement, but cash out turns out pretty even. However, with some strong hands toward the end of the night, Mike manages to cash out chip leader. No noise complaints and even had left over alcohol...weird. Total chips in play: $110.

Final Results: Saturday, June 9, 2012

A full table sees plenty of huge pots, monster hands vs. Sam's slightly better monster hands, and a new chip count record.

Totals represent an 8-player cash game and a 3-person $5 NL Crazy Pineapple tournament. Total chips in play for cash game: $166. Total prize pool for tournament: $15.

Results of tournament: Lance (3rd; -$5); Mark (2nd; -$5); Matt (1st; +$10).

Final Results: Saturday, June 2, 2012

The peasants demand "bread and circuses," and Tilty delivers. No-shows keep the chip count low, and Lance loses his perfect attendance badge. Total chips in play: $76.

Final Results: Saturday, May 26, 2012

Late night game yields results for Mark and Reg, but nothing close to minimum wage...yet. Total chips in play: $134.

Final Results: Saturday, May 19, 2012

Full table, half a keg, and an Hph well over 3.2...what else needs to be said? Total chips in play: $148.

Final Results: Saturday, May 5, 2012

They say if you can remember this game, you weren't really there, man. Total chips in play: $157.

Final Results: Thursday, May 3, 2012

TNT...Thursday Night Tourneys ($5 NL Holdem) works out for Lance after Tilty suffers a bad-beat 3-outer on the river. Total prize pool: $40.

Final Results: Saturday, April 28, 2012

Mark takes a huge hit to his winnings, but still manages to pull out April POTM...while a late night rally gets Reg into second place. Total chips in play: $125.

Final Results: Saturday, April 14, 2012

Saturday night sees some poker attrition after the big game on Thursday. But not a lot of money changes hands...unless you count the Tilty side bets. And Mark gets into the Straight Flush Hall of Fame with a jack high. Total chips in play: $120.

Final Results: Thursday, April 12, 2012

Impromptu Thursday Night Poker turns out to be most chips on table in recorded casino history...but once again Mark manages to take about half of it. Special shout-out to Tilty for bringing a great spread of food (only two more left). And some drunk asshole covered half the chips in grapefruit juice...oh wait, nevermind. Total chips in play: $148.

Final Results: Saturday, April 7, 2012

Reg and Duffy start their long journey out of the basement, while the return of Sam gets him on the leaderboard for April. Tilty vows to bring food for the next three games...I'm thinking lasagna? Total chips in play: $128.

Tilty is taking requests for food...so leave a comment for him below.

Final Results: Friday, April 6, 2012

If Saturday nights are for cash games, then Fridays are for the tournaments. Tilty can't lose on either side of a coin flip and winner-takes-all in both $5 NL Holdem tournaments.

1st tournament: Reg (4th); Matt (3rd); Lance (2nd); MikeA (1st). Total prize pool: $25.

2nd tournament: Lance (4th); Reg (3rd); Matt (2nd); MikeA (1st). Total prize pool: $20.

Final Results: Saturday, March 31, 2012

After interviewing the players who lost, I'm attributing the extra $6 to Mark's buy-in. Making his profit +$64...still a raping of the table anyway you look at it. And gives Mark the Player of the Month for March. Total chips in play $135.